101 | invalidTxParam | Transaction parameter was invalid |
102 | mnemonicAlreadyExists | Mnemonic was already in storage |
103 | mnemonicNotExist | Mnemonic was not in storage |
104 | rpcUrlNotSet | RPC url was not set in network parameter |
105 | invalidWallet | Transaction paremeter or network parameter was invalid |
106 | invalidNetworkId | ChainId and networkId did not have correct combination |
107 | invalidChainId | Specified chainId was not currently suppoted |
108 | nonceNull | Nonce was not set in transaction parameter |
109 | mnemonicFormatNotSupported | Mnemonic was not in correct format |
110 | platformNotSupported | Platform was not supported for secure storage |
111 | failedToEncryptWIthPassword | Failure of encryption with password also fails to derive key |
112 | failedToDecryptWithPassword | Failure of decryption by password also fails to derive key |
201 | keyChainFailedToWrite | Failed to write value to key chain |
202 | keyChainFailedToDelete | Failed to delete a value from key chain |
301 | windowsCredFailedToWrite | Failed to write a value to windows credential storage |
302 | windowsCredFailedToDelete | Failed to delete a value from windows credential storage |
303 | windowsCredValueLengthExceeded | Value length exceeded allowed length |
304 | windowsCredInvalidKeyname | Key name did not match the existing key name |
401 | webPasswordNull | In webGL platform, password was not set when managing keys |