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Error Codes

101invalidTxParamTransaction parameter was invalid
102mnemonicAlreadyExistsMnemonic was already in storage
103mnemonicNotExistMnemonic was not in storage
104rpcUrlNotSetRPC url was not set in network parameter
105invalidWalletTransaction paremeter or network parameter was invalid
106invalidNetworkIdChainId and networkId did not have correct combination
107invalidChainIdSpecified chainId was not currently suppoted
108nonceNullNonce was not set in transaction parameter
109mnemonicFormatNotSupportedMnemonic was not in correct format
110platformNotSupportedPlatform was not supported for secure storage
111failedToEncryptWIthPasswordFailure of encryption with password also fails to derive key
112failedToDecryptWithPasswordFailure of decryption by password also fails to derive key
201keyChainFailedToWriteFailed to write value to key chain
202keyChainFailedToDeleteFailed to delete a value from key chain
301windowsCredFailedToWriteFailed to write a value to windows credential storage
302windowsCredFailedToDeleteFailed to delete a value from windows credential storage
303windowsCredValueLengthExceededValue length exceeded allowed length
304windowsCredInvalidKeynameKey name did not match the existing key name
401webPasswordNullIn webGL platform, password was not set when managing keys