1001 | Cancel | RPC canceled, usually by the caller. |
1002 | Unknown | Catch-all for errors of unclear origin and errors without a more appropriate code. |
1003 | InvalidArgument | Request is invalid, regardless of system state. |
1004 | DeadlineExceeded | Deadline expired before RPC could complete or before the client received the response. |
1005 | NotFound | User requested a resource (for example, a file or directory) that can't be found. |
1006 | AlreadyExists | Caller attempted to create a resource that already exists. |
1007 | PermissionDenied | Caller isn't authorized to perform the operation. |
1008 | ResourceExhausted | Operation can't be completed because some resource is exhausted. Use unavailable if the server is temporarily overloaded and the caller should retry later. |
1009 | FailedPrecondition | Operation can't be completed because the system isn't in the required state. |
1010 | Aborted | The operation was aborted, often because of concurrency issues like a database transaction abort. |
1011 | OutOfRange | The operation was attempted past the valid range. |
1012 | Unimplemented | The operation isn't implemented, supported, or enabled. |
1013 | Internal | An invariant expected by the underlying system has been broken. Reserved for serious errors. |
1014 | Unavailable | The service is currently unavailable, usually transiently. Clients should back off and retry idempotent operations. |
1015 | DataLoss | Unrecoverable data loss or corruption. |
1016 | Unauthenticated | Caller doesn't have valid authentication credentials for the operation. |
1017 | EmptyResponse | Response was empty. |
1018 | MissingXAPIKeyHeader | X-API-KEY header was missing. |
1019 | MissingXAPISignatureHeader | X-API-SIGNATURE header was missing. |
1020 | MissingXAPINonceHeader | X-API-NONCE header was missing. |
1021 | NotFoundAuthFactor | Auth factor was not found. |
1022 | InvalidNonceValue | Nonce value was invalid. |
1023 | InvalidRequestBody | Request body was invalid. |
1024 | ExpireNonce | Timestamp used for nonce is expired. |
1025 | ExpireAPIKey | API Key is expired. |
1026 | LessThanOrEqualNonce | Nonce value conflicts with other request. |
1028 | ActiveTransactionAlreadyExists | Active transaction with same nonce already exists. |
1029 | InvalidTokenPayload | Token payload was invalid. |
1030 | TransactionCannotBeSigned | Transaction in a state that cannot be signed. |
1031 | TransactionSignatureAlreadySubmitted | Transaction signature already submitted. |
1032 | TransactionCannotBeSubmitted | Transaction in a state that cannot be submitted. |
1033 | FailedSendTransaction | Send transaction failed. |
1034 | TransactionCannotBeCanceled | Transaction in a state that cannot be canceled. transaction is already submitted. |
1035 | WalletNameAlreadyExists | Wallet name already exists. |
1036 | CannotCreateMultipleWalletsForMasterKey | Cannot create multiple wallets for specified master key type. |
1037 | AddressAlreadyRegistered | The address is already registered. |
1038 | InsufficientFunds | The address does not have sufficient funds to do the operation. |
1039 | MissingContentTypeHeader | Content-Type header was missing. |
1040 | EVMContractNotSupportInterface | EVM Contract does not support given interface. |
1041 | FutureNonce | Future timestamp is used for X-API-NONCE header. |
1042 | ContractNotRegistered | Contract is not registered. |
1043 | GasRequiredExceedsAllowance | Gas required exceeds allowance. |
1044 | InvalidTokenID | Invalid Token ID. |
1045 | TransactionFeeExceedsConfiguredCap | Transaction fee exceeds configured cap. |