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Error Codes

1001CancelRPC canceled, usually by the caller.
1002UnknownCatch-all for errors of unclear origin and errors without a more appropriate code.
1003InvalidArgumentRequest is invalid, regardless of system state.
1004DeadlineExceededDeadline expired before RPC could complete or before the client received the response.
1005NotFoundUser requested a resource (for example, a file or directory) that can't be found.
1006AlreadyExistsCaller attempted to create a resource that already exists.
1007PermissionDeniedCaller isn't authorized to perform the operation.
1008ResourceExhaustedOperation can't be completed because some resource is exhausted. Use unavailable if the server is temporarily overloaded and the caller should retry later.
1009FailedPreconditionOperation can't be completed because the system isn't in the required state.
1010AbortedThe operation was aborted, often because of concurrency issues like a database transaction abort.
1011OutOfRangeThe operation was attempted past the valid range.
1012UnimplementedThe operation isn't implemented, supported, or enabled.
1013InternalAn invariant expected by the underlying system has been broken. Reserved for serious errors.
1014UnavailableThe service is currently unavailable, usually transiently. Clients should back off and retry idempotent operations.
1015DataLossUnrecoverable data loss or corruption.
1016UnauthenticatedCaller doesn't have valid authentication credentials for the operation.
1017EmptyResponseResponse was empty.
1018MissingXAPIKeyHeaderX-API-KEY header was missing.
1019MissingXAPISignatureHeaderX-API-SIGNATURE header was missing.
1020MissingXAPINonceHeaderX-API-NONCE header was missing.
1021NotFoundAuthFactorAuth factor was not found.
1022InvalidNonceValueNonce value was invalid.
1023InvalidRequestBodyRequest body was invalid.
1024ExpireNonceTimestamp used for nonce is expired.
1025ExpireAPIKeyAPI Key is expired.
1026LessThanOrEqualNonceNonce value conflicts with other request.
1028ActiveTransactionAlreadyExistsActive transaction with same nonce already exists.
1029InvalidTokenPayloadToken payload was invalid.
1030TransactionCannotBeSignedTransaction in a state that cannot be signed.
1031TransactionSignatureAlreadySubmittedTransaction signature already submitted.
1032TransactionCannotBeSubmittedTransaction in a state that cannot be submitted.
1033FailedSendTransactionSend transaction failed.
1034TransactionCannotBeCanceledTransaction in a state that cannot be canceled. transaction is already submitted.
1035WalletNameAlreadyExistsWallet name already exists.
1036CannotCreateMultipleWalletsForMasterKeyCannot create multiple wallets for specified master key type.
1037AddressAlreadyRegisteredThe address is already registered.
1038InsufficientFundsThe address does not have sufficient funds to do the operation.
1039MissingContentTypeHeaderContent-Type header was missing.
1040EVMContractNotSupportInterfaceEVM Contract does not support given interface.
1041FutureNonceFuture timestamp is used for X-API-NONCE header.
1042ContractNotRegisteredContract is not registered.
1043GasRequiredExceedsAllowanceGas required exceeds allowance.
1044InvalidTokenIDInvalid Token ID.
1045TransactionFeeExceedsConfiguredCapTransaction fee exceeds configured cap.